Easter is nearly upon us! We have a positive avalanche of edible eggs and rabbits and heaven knows what else thrust at us in the shops! What if you want something more substantial, and permanent - and less fattening and unhealthy?! By Local has many delightful altenatives to offer you, to start with, these crochet or felt eggs from Kath Cooper, to hang in a window, or perhaps on a handbag or keyring?
Kath has also made these charming cosies, to keep your 'dippy' egg for breakfast warm - an all year round momento of a season of hope. Being a ceramicist, she's also made some ceramic eggs for your delectation!
Should your thoughts turn to the arrival of chicks, we have a few offerings to pay credit to our feathered friends new babies, too! Here's a charmer from Jackie Hawkins to dangle in the sunshine:
Or you could offer a child an Easter cuddly with a diffrence, while being green & recycling with Eunice!
These geese are a treat, and give new life to a hand embroidered table cloth! If you have to indulge in chocolate, how about a beautiful and useful dish, filled with mini eggs? This one by Tara Davidson would be perfect.
We have lots of Easter inspiration, here's a selection on our counter, with our lovely founder & Boss, Rosie, working hard in the background!
Happy Easter to you all, have a brilliant weekend, an excellent start to the season of growth and new life!